28 September 2007

26 September 2007

Denim Demons

We have just finished the sell-in for spring/summer-08 and things went really well. Here's some pics from the upcoming collection.

04 September 2007

a perfect riddarpage (knight-page)

Denim Demon, for that perfect fit.

on our way home...


Blue Steel

Mr B and Brad performing martial arts in New York.

Mr B's girlfriend with the Denim Demon's, on our way to Erik's going away party.

Mr Digital and Erik having some meat.

Brad Digital (artist/designer/party-man/original) and Anton hangin' out at BBQ's with a couple of small ass margeritas...

saw this guy in New York, had to give him 9 bucks for being extremely honest.

Evert's nice ass in a pair of nice denims...

Evert (adidas) and Jenna in Vegas, the coolest couple ever.

03 September 2007

Eriks going away party

We met this guy Brad Digital at Alifes Rivington club yesterday, 3 phonecalls and 5 minutes later he had set up a going away party for Erik. Totally awesome dude! Apparently he likes to party. If in New York, make sure to drop by!